Hi, I’m KellySue.

I’m a believer that we get to create and lead our businesses in a way that feels easeful, spacious and light.

Being an entrepreneur doesn’t have to equate to chronic stress and tension. With the right support and systems in place, it can feel smooth sailing most of the time.

My Journey

My professional journey began in various front desk and office manager roles, where I honed my skills in organization, attention to detail, marketing, and overall administrative responsibilities. I've had the pleasure of working in diverse environments, including chiropractic and naturopathic medical offices, law firms, and nonprofit arts organizations. These experiences have equipped me with a versatile skill set and a deep understanding of the unique needs of different businesses.

Recent Experience

Most recently, I have held the title of Executive Assistant for a multi-LLC business owner over the course of the past 2.5 years.

I had high-level access and significant responsibilities in this position, supporting a thriving therapy practice with 20 clinicians, two coaching/consulting businesses with online courses, and a real estate venture. It was an exceptional learning experience that allowed me to refine and sharpen my existing skills, while also adding dozens of new ones to my toolkit!

Behind the Scenes

When I’m not being a business support fairy for my clients, you can find me…

Salsa Dancing

My boyfriend, Nate, and I met in a group dance lesson in 2022. We still take lessons at our favorite studio in NJ and go social dancing as often as we can!

Art in Motion Dance Studio, NJ

All Things Nature

Exploring the waters of Connecticut

Wherever our housesitting adventures take us, we love to hike, find forest trails, rivers, lakes and beaches to soak in the beauty and magic of Nature.


Nate & I sit year round in the South Jersey/Eastern PA area, and we’ve also housesat in some beautiful states further away for vacations.

We do not own or rent a home, but get to live in beautiful spaces with wonderful kitties and nourish relationships with awesome humans along the way. (And yes, we only do cats!)

Monty wanting to join our Scrabble game. Newtown, PA

Ready to Start?